Mountsorrel News

Village awarded slice of funding pie for new sports’ grounds.  

At the first meeting of Charnwood Borough Council the year it was announced Mountsorrel can benefit its sports’ pitches from the levelling – up fund. 

Charnwood has been awarded funding from the U.K. Shared Prosperity Fund levelling – up fund from the government department of levelling- up, housing and communities (DLUHC) totaling £4M over three years. 

Mountsorrel Parish Council intends to create new cricket and football pitches in Halstead Road to ease the pressure on the existing pitches there and at the War Memorial Fields. The council also has plans build a new pavilion at Halstead Road. 

Charnwood Borough Council councillor for Mountsorrel Cllr Leigh Harper – Davies, cabinet lead member for community support including young people sports and recreation said it’s a super idea and the last opportunity to complete the project.  

“We’ve had some money in the bank for a little while and we wouldn’t have had enough to complete so   I’m really pleased,” said Cllr Harper – Davies.  

“Any help we can get for anyone in Charnwood is very supportive, we’re very supportive of anything that helps young people’s sporting, physical and mental health, young people as well as old 

“I’ve not got the role of children’s champion anymore but I do as much as I can with the short time I have as lead member for community support to support these plans as I have such a big portfolio.”